Evel Bunny Studios Apps

Movie Quote Trivia - Free 1.1
“Here’s looking at you, kid.”Our hats off to you if you can survive the movie quotetriviachallenge which takes lines from some of the greatest andmostrespected films in American cinema. If you think you are theTitanof Tinseltown, then we dare you to try our trivia. But if not,then“Hasta la vista, baby.”Download our FREE movie quotes trivia mobile app and testyourknowledge of the stars and their greatest lines in theirgreatestmovies. The questions stretch way back to the earliest daysofAmerican film, including the first movie to ever have soundandspeech (bonus if you can name that movie.)Game Highlights:-100 questions on movie quotes-Multiple-choice format-Facts about each movie-Fun for all movie loversWARNING: This app is only for those die-hard movie buffs. Butifyou think you can hang with the best of them, if you think youknowHollywood better than a plastic surgeon, if you know“Rosebud”refers to more than just a premature flower, then pleasedownloadright now and put your knowledge to the test.Download now for free and put your knowledge to the test!
Super Bowl Trivia - Free 2.1
Think you are the guru of the Super Bowl?Areyou the professor of the pigskin’s greatest game? Then testyourknowledge on this Super Bowl trivia game that will separate themenfrom the boys, the die-hards from the band-wagoners!Just in time for the big game, this FREE mobile app will sendyouthrough the ringer and scorch your brain about everythingSuperBowl, from the longest punt to the cost to air a commercialduringthe game.While the players are sweating on the gridiron, you willbeheaving and panting trying to answer our blisteringtrivia.Categories include Super Bowl stats, history, games, MVP,andothers.Game Highlights:- Multiple pulling-out-your-hair hard questions!- Multiple choice format- Go on a streak to get higher scores- Compare your score with your friends- Challenge your friends- Remove ads with purchase- Major bragging rights, bro!So grab some guacamole, download this FREE app, and take theSuperBowl trivia challenge to see if you are the Sultan of theSuperBowl!!You've been warned...**Not affiliated with the NFL**
Angry Cube Run - Free 1.0
Looking for your next addiction? Searchnofurther! Angry Cube Run is the latest mobile game developedbyEvelBunny Studios. Soar through the air, collect balls, anddodgeobstacles in this instantly-craveworthy game. Warning: Onceyoupick it up, it’ll take all your strength to put it down again.Download our FREE mobile game and start your quest through amazeof objects. Blast your way to a high score (if you cansurvive), andshow off your skills to all your friends. Angry CubeRun will keepyour fingers tapping for hours.Game Highlights:Endless game-play! (If you can survive long enough)Fire Rockets to clear obstacles!Collect spheres to gain Higher Scores!Collect spheres to gain Power-Ups!Winners don’t need luck, but you’ll need practice if you wanttoreach that high score in this game. Good luck!Download now for free and put your skills to the test!
General Science Trivia - Free 1.2
Get your neurons firing in this excitingtriviaexperience.Ok. Here’s the deal. Remember those kids in science classthatmade you insecure because they lived and breathed thePeriodicTable and could spout out Newton’s Laws like it was thePledge ofAllegiance or something? Well, now’s your chance to getback atthem. And if you were one of those kids in science class,don’tworry this app is still for you.Download our FREE mobile trivia game that will turn youfromscience shy-guy to the Sutlan of Science in just a matterofminutes. Beware though, these questions can be just as hard asthattest on the cell back in high school.Game Highlights:- Facts about science that you may have forgotten (or maybeneverknew)- Multiple choice format- Go on a streak to get BONUS multiplier- Compare your score with friends- Challenge your friends- Remove ads with purchase- It will make you smarter!Don’t waste another nanosecond thinking about it. Don’tgoanother day in your life without knowing the differencebetweenprotons, electrons, and neutrons.Download our game now and make even Einstein proud for free!